I found The Beggar King to be an interesting story. I love stories that hit home with good themes. I felt like King Hagar learned his lesson quite well. In the end of the story it talks about how wise and kind of a king he was for the rest of his days.
(Singing Beggars by Ivan Yermenyov: Wikipedia)
I was a big fan of The quarrel of the Cat and the Dog. I enjoy these kind of miscellaneous knowledge stories. I can just picture a small child asking why a cat and a dog always fight, and now I can tell a story like this one to enlighten them.
Another favorite was The Magic Palace this definitely peaked my interest as to who Elijah the prophet is. I have a feeling that this Elijah character could be mirrored with Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus was a carpenter and in the story this disguised Arab makes this marvelous structure in a single night.
The King for Three Days reminds me of a time in my high school English class. We were discussing Greek mythology, in particular oracles. I think the story was about Oedipus. Anyways, the power of oracles or prophets, and any other similar characters are so great. Yet, people in these stories consistently disbelieve what they say.
I have to say, a big reason that I liked The Higgeledy-Piggledy Palace so much was the name itself. It kind of reminds me of Alice in Wonderland and the Cheshire Cat. So much "weird" stuff kept happening to the Pharaoh because of the spirit.
(Cheshire Cat: Deviant Art)
The Fairy Frog is another story, after reading it, that you come away with a lesson learned. The main character show patience and respect for their elders even though they went through tough times. These are definitely the kind of stories I enjoy.
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