Like the last Brer Rabbit unit, the language is still difficult to understand. I did, however, learn an new word from Brother Bear's Big House. The word was sagaciate, but was spelled sagashuate in the reading. It is nice to learn be learning new words even with the language how it is.
In Brer Rabbit's Flying Trip, I found it to be kind of similar to Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again. Only this time Mr. Rabbit was ridding Mr. Buzzard and enjoying every second of it instead of being all "weak in de knees" like he was in the latter story. Mr. Rabbit always seems to know what is happening before any other character even thinks about it.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that all of the creatures can never seem to see that Mr. Rabbit is always setting pranks on them. In Brer Rabbit Finds the Moon in the Mill Pond, he has everyone believing that they wouldn't be able to see at night anymore if they didn't pull the moon out of the pond.
I like the addition of the Jack Sparrow character. In The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow, it throws a kink into Mr. Rabbits kink free plans. I liked it because it made Mr. Rabbit work a little harder than he normally has to in order to pull fast ones on the different characters.
I enjoyed it when there were stories that didn't include Mr. Rabbit, it allows me to see how clever some of the other characters are. In Mr. Bear Catches Old Mr. Bull Frog, we are able to see Mr. Bull Frog for the first time and how clever he is to trick Mr. Bear in order to get away. Who knows, maybe Mr. Bull Frog is smarter than Mr. Rabbit. I guess we will never know.
It is nice to hear stories that explain some of the natural phenomenons of the world. In How Mr. Rabbit Lost His Fine Bushy Tail and Why Mr. Possum Has No Hair on His Tail, we learn why rabbits tails are short, and why possums have no hair on their tail. These stories give an interesting account as to why these things occur in real life.
In Brer Rabbit's Flying Trip, I found it to be kind of similar to Mr. Rabbit Meets His Match Again. Only this time Mr. Rabbit was ridding Mr. Buzzard and enjoying every second of it instead of being all "weak in de knees" like he was in the latter story. Mr. Rabbit always seems to know what is happening before any other character even thinks about it.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that all of the creatures can never seem to see that Mr. Rabbit is always setting pranks on them. In Brer Rabbit Finds the Moon in the Mill Pond, he has everyone believing that they wouldn't be able to see at night anymore if they didn't pull the moon out of the pond.
I like the addition of the Jack Sparrow character. In The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow, it throws a kink into Mr. Rabbits kink free plans. I liked it because it made Mr. Rabbit work a little harder than he normally has to in order to pull fast ones on the different characters.
I enjoyed it when there were stories that didn't include Mr. Rabbit, it allows me to see how clever some of the other characters are. In Mr. Bear Catches Old Mr. Bull Frog, we are able to see Mr. Bull Frog for the first time and how clever he is to trick Mr. Bear in order to get away. Who knows, maybe Mr. Bull Frog is smarter than Mr. Rabbit. I guess we will never know.
It is nice to hear stories that explain some of the natural phenomenons of the world. In How Mr. Rabbit Lost His Fine Bushy Tail and Why Mr. Possum Has No Hair on His Tail, we learn why rabbits tails are short, and why possums have no hair on their tail. These stories give an interesting account as to why these things occur in real life.